It has officially been 24 hours in Immokalee Florida and it is time for a seven hour snooze fest. We're sleeping in one big room on cots on the floor but they are comfortable and we are tired from a day in the Florida sun.
It snowed before we left from Boston? That day seems like a dream in this weather. The sky looks so beautiful. I think Dean put it best when he said, "it looks like a movie poster for No Country for Old Men."
The only thing more beautiful than the sky is the area around the shelter. There is an eclectic mix of colors, people, shops and bicycles all the time. Last night we could hear car races going on down the street as we fell asleep.
In the morning I heard chickens clucking and roosters crowing. They run around the shelter like they own the place. In truth they probably do, most of what we saw of Florida was farmland and so it seems the animals are everywhere.
What else did we see?
row after delicious row of oranges growing right on the trees
alligators in a lake
the biggest pig eating snake in the United States
By accident we also stumbled upon Ave Maria, a college and residential complex with a giant church in the center. Only fifteen minutes away from our shelter, the contrast between the poverty in Immokalee and the affluence of the shopping/residential center was shocking.
After a yummy dinner of pasta and turkey we headed just minutes down the street to Florida State's Medical Center where we watched Immokalee, USA a documentary about the plight of the migrant farmworker in America. The video was all inclusive, the images thought provoking and the wealth of issues covered in the film were full of bitter enjoyment. It was extremely valuabe to learn so much about the people we are serving and yet I find myself feeling broken at the idea that there is still so much we do not know. But, it is not simply my ignorance of the issues that upsets me, instead it is my recent knowledge that with every new day we must be prepared to face the truth as sad as it may be. But I am realizing now more than ever that to face reality is the first step towards changing it and it is a much bigger and more efficacious step that I ever realized.
And honestly, the world in Immokalee must be more good than bad because nothing that is all bad could exist under such a beautiful sky.
B.Haley from Immokalee here,
we had a good day and goodnight!