Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A strange fruit and some delicious icing

It has been a long day and as the week goes on each day gets progressively longer. Today one group stayed back at the shelter to mop, do some chores and help out at the shelter's thrift store one building over. The remaining 12 of us hopped in our vans and headed over to the Guadalupe Childcare  Center where we did our best to help the teachers there with their lively but loveable students. 

On the dinner menu tonight was some beef, veggies (the highlight being some delicious sweet corn and mashed potatoes!) and, of course a delicious cake made by our very own Sasha Brown. I think the students who were able to help out preparing the dinner found it to be a highlight of the day and perhaps even the week.  

Many more culinary treasures to come, check back tomorrow!


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